Team Xplore

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points member since July 10, 2012 last seen on Aug 22, 2023


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Answers to some common questions I have received about hedgehogs.

Wanted to share with you all Poki's first time outdoors experience and what she usually does around the house. Poki is the sweetest most precious Hedgehog ever.

Ragweed floats on his back! He looks relaxed!

Oh hey, watch our new video of of cat getting massaged with an electric massager! He thinks he's people...

Song is Niacin by Alcajazz

This kitten don,t want to leave warm bath....

This video will show you simple steps on how to wash a Kitten and make it as comfortable as possible with the situation. This is just my method and eat I've learned with my older cat.

TIGER TOYS! Watch tigers, leopards & cougars playing with their oversized toys...

These 2 unfortunate kittens were found alone in the Texas heat.

Dakota and Phoenix arguing over who made the mess. Naturally being huskies they have far to much to say and argue back. They've torn up a letter from HMRC. Time to get a mail box I think.
