Team Xplore

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points member since July 10, 2012 last seen on Aug 22, 2023


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I am never bored with my 2 years old Zany. She is so active and crazy all the time

Stuart tells us why we should consider getting a Rhodesian Ridgeback as a pet and introduces us to the impressive (and charming) Leo, his four year old Rhodesian Ridgeback.

Watch Cooper grow up on Super Cooper Sunday, my weekly puppy series!

Watch Cooper grow up on Super Cooper Sunday, my weekly puppy series!

This video provides a summary of international pet relocation and some of the many aspects which go into planning your furry companion's move to another country.

We brought our dog and cat, Spudgy and Meemers, with us to Japan, but the process of travelling with pets was long, expensive, and challenging.

Do you want a pet snake? They make great pets! When choosing the best snake for you, it's important to consider how big the snake will be when full grown.
