Himalayan Cat (Sunny) Wants to Destroy a Fly

7 years ago
Team Xplore's picture

So. Much. Fluffiness. For more videos of Sunny, check out my channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCyEZsLqy5VPSMrbABy2iDLA

ABOUT SUNNY'S HAIRCUT: She gets MATS in her amazing fur, which the vet says is painful because it pulls on her skin and also traps dirt and sweat. And no, I can't just brush her because she FREAKS the hell out if I try to groom her. Other reasons she gets shaved: she gets HOT in warm weather, a shaved coat is easier for her to clean, and it helps her skin breathe since she has sensitive skin/allergies. I do it because I FREAKIN' ADORE her--not because I want to embarrass her on YouTube.

Let's quit with the hate now, eh? Send amazing loving thoughts to Sunny!

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